80's Week at FAB with Justin 先生
Every 3rd week of the month Justin will begin FAB 80's week! He will be playing only 80's music in his classes!! Yes, Yoga&Fitness and 80's do go together!
Deanne先生is a perfect example of 80's fashion!彼女のスタイルを猿真似してね! |
All your favorites will be played, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Milli Vanilli, The Police, Prince, etc... This is your chance to go crazy in class, bring your wrist bands, headbands, knee-high socks and wear your neon colors "Otherwise known as Tranny colors"
Also to celebrate this week, Justin will invite all his students that attend the classes this week to his house for Mango Martinis and light snacks after class!! Justin lives close to FAB so it's like a house warming party too!!
9/16 "Yoga Terminator II" Mango Martini Party
9/18 "The Opening" &"The Yoga Terminator Mango Martini Party *Important note is that the Mango Martini party on Saturday will be after the Yoga Terminator class which ends around 2pm.
The only class that will not have the Mango Martini this week will be his "Sweat till You Drop" on Thursday9/16, that Mango Martini will be moved to September 30th!!!!
From FAB to walk to his house is about 20mins, Taxi 6 mins, Bicycle 6mins. The address is:
港区南麻布2−4−8Right across for the DHC building and next to 7-11!
The best stalking hours are around 10am until about 7pm, he usually walks around naked and works out on his balcony shirtless during these times!
Any questions about the party and 80's week please e-mail Justin directly, the.yoga.terminator@gmail.com You can also send requests for songs, but you have to attend to get your request played!
It's 80's week so get excited and come prepared: Examples of what is suitable look here!
The Yoga Terminator
あなたのお気に入りの音楽をリクエストして下さい。Michael Jackson, Madonna, Milli Vanili, The Police, Prince, The Village People などなど...
これはクラスであなたがクレイジーになるとっておきのチャンスですよ!リストバンド、ヘッドバンド、ハイソックスを身につけたり、キケがいうところの”Tranny colors”とでもいいましょうか、ド派手なネオンカラーを身につけて来て下さい!そしてこれを記念してジャスティンのクラスを取ってくれた皆さんを、彼の自宅に招待して特製マンゴーマティーニと軽食を振るまいます。ジャスティンは最近FABの近くに引っ越したので、新居披露パーティーも兼ねてみなさんを招待します。